A truly resplendent December group show! An Andrew Thompson Showcase features alongside an exhibition of paintings by a small group of artists whose work might be described as celebrating beauty both in nature and in art. There is more than a nod to the Far East in many of these works, from Andrew Thompson’s delicately painted Chinese vases to Peter Munro’s Japanese Cranes on ice.
Hedi Munro joins the exhibition with a number of large-scale gold leaf and painted panels – usually booked up for commissions months in advance, we are delighted to finally exhibit these incredible works in the gallery. There are also fantastic new still life paintings from Marion Drummond and a small group of Joe Hargan’s figurative beauties. Which may also feature a small amount of gold leaf! We hope that you will join us for the Private View of this exhibition, and enjoy works in the gallery and online. Please contact us for a catalogue of the images and further details.
Artists taking part in this exhibition include Andrew Thompson, Peter Munro, Hedi Munro, Jennifer Irvine, Marion Drummond, Mhairi McGregor, Jenny Martin, and more!